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Mental Wellness
Mental Wellness
Men of Courage: A Trauma-Informed Counseling Initiative Men of Courage (MOC) has entered into a collaborative partnership with THE LOTUS
W.E.L.L.: Counseling Services & Wellness Retreat to establish a satellite counseling office at the Men of Courage headquarters (4821 Germantown Ave,
Philadelphia 19144).
THE LOTUS W.E.L.L. is a therapeutic organization that makes mental health counseling options accessible to the community. It strives to accomplish this goal by
helping to empower clients through resources, education, evaluation, and interactive experiences.
This satellite office will offer a comprehensive counseling program designed to help MOC
mentors, mentees, and their families deal with various aspects of trauma that impinge upon
mental health and well-being. In addition, the office hopes to offer trauma-informed counseling
services to Black men and their communities in the Germantown area.